We love the environment! And we hope you do, too. We have taken the following steps to try and minimise our ecological footprint:

  • We have made significant improvements to the insulation in the houses to ensure we reduce the amount of thermal energy lost
  • The kitchens in two of our properties were sourced from Milestone Design Ltd, Britain’s first producer of totally green recycled kitchens
  • We have recycling bins in the properties and encourage our housemates to ensure that what can be recycled is recycled!
  • We charge a small amount for the use of the washing machines and dryers. We do this not to make money from it, but to regulate the use of the machines, and encourage housemates to use full loads, for example, rather than to make an impact on the environment needlessly just washing their smalls!
  • We provide drying airers for each room, to encourage minimal use of tumble dryers.
  • At our Daggsdell Road property we installed an Air Source Heat Pump which will more than half our annual energy consumption. Carbon DIoxide emissions are expected to be reduced by 80% in comparison with gas boiler emissions.
  • Tumble dryers, where we have them, are heat pump dryers, the most energy-efficient variety available.
  • We have installed solar panels at three of our properties – a big win for the planet!
How eco-friendly are your houses?